Help Support the Madison Middle School PTSA Virtual “Raise-the-Paddle” Auction 2022 


It has been a long time since we have been together to help raise funds for our favorite middle school.

We hope you can join us for our “Virtual Vibes” online event where auction items will be available for a week, culminating in a live, virtual event on April 23, 2022, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 


Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 931 1272 2358      Passcode: 696852


On this website, you can donate auction items or experiences, make a direct donation, sign-up to participate in the online auction, and will serve as the one-stop-shop for event details.  


Also, no need to worry about dinner plans this Saturday before the virtual auction. Order a Hawaiian feast and the Madison PTSA gets 20% = win, win. Visit and scroll down to Madison Middle School, Luau menu to place your order and pick-up between 4:00-5:30 PM on April 23.


Consider joining us at a LIVE Virtual Vibes Viewing Party!  

Join Friends at the Lodge Sports Grille, 4/23/22 5:30-8:00 PM

Space is limited please RSVP


To learn more about the Madison PTSA mission, please visit: 


Thank you for supporting our Madison Bulldog Community, we couldn’t do it without you! 

Online Bidding Open through April 24 at 12:01 PM.

5:00 PM April 17, 2022
12:00 PM April 24, 2022

Madison Middle School
3429 45th Avenue SW, Seattle , WA 98116

Get directions